Food Guide
Last Updated: March 28, 2025
WIC Approved
- 32 oz, 64 oz, 96 oz, 128 oz
- Quart, half gallon, 3/4 gallon, gallon
- Any brand
Do Not Buy
- Flavored
- Organic
- Sweetened or condensed
- Buttermilk
- Added calcium
- Reduced fat (2%) milk
WIC Approved

Cow’s milk:
Buy the largest
container available
when possible

Lactose-free milk:
Buy the largest
container available
when possible

Goat milk:
Meyenberg 12 oz
container only

Evaporated/Canned milk:
12 oz container only

Powdered/Dry milk:
25.6 oz container only

Kosher milk:
If printed on your
WIC Shopping List
Do Not Buy
- Flavored
- Organic
- Sweetened or condensed
- Buttermilk
- Added calcium
- Reduced fat (2%) milk
Choose what is approved for you:
- Your WIC Shopping List shows the fat content and type of milk you must buy
WIC Approved
- 8, 16, 24, or 32 oz packages only
- Any brand
- Blocks or Slices
- Pasteurized Process American, Monterey Jack, Mozzarella, Cheddar, Colby, Swiss, Muenster, Provolone, or blends of any of these cheeses
- KOSHER (Cholov Yisroel) CHEESE If printed on your WIC Shopping List

Do Not Buy
- Imported cheese
- Cheese foods, products, or spreads
- Sweetened or condensed
- Cracker cuts
- Shredded/grated/cubed, string, or stick cheese
- Flavored cheese
- Organic cheese
- Individually wrapped cheese
- Deli cheese
Soy Beverages
WIC Approved
- The following brands and products:

Choose what is approved for you: Check your WIC Shopping List for soy beverage eligibility.

8th Continent
- Original Soymilk 64 oz
- Vanilla Soymilk 64 oz

- Original Soymilk 64 oz

Great Value
- Original Soymilk 64 oz

Pacific Foods
- Ultra Soy Original Soymilk 32 oz
- Ultra Soy Vanilla Soymilk 32 oz

- Original Aseptic Soymilk 32 oz
- Original Plain Soymilk 2 pack 64 oz
- Original Plain Soymilk 3 pack 64 oz
- Silk Soymilk 32 oz
- Silk Soymilk 64 oz
WIC Approved
- Fat content listed on your WIC Shopping List
- 32 ounce containers only

Do Not Buy
- Mix-in ingredients (granola, candy, etc.)
- Drinkable/Squeezable
- Frozen yogurt
- Artificial sweeteners
Choose what is approved for you: Check your family’s WIC Shopping List for the type of yogurt and amount of yogurt you can buy
- Whole milk: Children 12-24 months
- Low-fat and nonfat: Women and children 2-5 years
Whole Fat Yogurt
32 oz containers

- Original Whole Fat Plain

- Whole Plain

- Plain

Best Choice
- Whole Milk Plain Greek

- Whole Milk Plain Greek

Bowl and Basket
- Whole Plain Greek

Brown Cow
- Cream on the Top Whole Fat Plain
- Whole Milk Vanilla

Butterworks Farm
- Whole Fat Plain

- Whole Fat Plain

- Whole Fat Plain Greek

- Whole Fat Plain
- Whole Milk Vanilla

- Natural Dahi Whole Fat Plain

Essential Everyday
- Whole Fat Plain
- Whole Plain Greek

- Whole Plain Greek

- Whole Plain

- Whole Plain

Freedom Hill Farm
- Plain

- Indian Style Whole Fat Plain

Great Value
- Whole Fat Plain Greek

Green Mountain Creamery
- Plain Greek
- Whole Plain

- Whole Fat Plain

- Whole Milk Plain

Hammond Dairy
- Whole Fat Plain

- Whole Milk Plain
- Whole Vanilla Greek

Hawthorne Valley
- Whole Fat Plain

- Organic Whole Fat Plain

Hudson Valley Fresh
- Whole Plain

- Whole Fat Plain

Kingdom Creamery
- Whole Fat Plain

La Yogurt
- Whole Fat Plain
- Whole Milk Strawberry
- Whole Probiotic Vanilla

Lucerne Dairy
- Whole Milk

Maple Hill
- Organic Whole Plain

- Plain

Mountain High
- Original Whole Fat Plain

- Whole Plain

Nature’s Place
- Organic Greek Whole Plain
- Organic Whole Plain

Nature’s Promise
- Organic Whole Milk Vanilla
- Organic Whole Plain Greek
- Organic Plain Greek
- Organic Whole Plain

North Country Creamery
- Whole Plain
- Whole Vanilla

O Organics
- Organic Whole Milk Plain

- Whole Fat Plain Greek

Open Nature
- Whole Fat Plain Greek

Our Family
- Whole Milk Plain
- Whole Plain Greek

- Plain Greek
- Whole Fat Plain
- Whole Plain Greek

Powerful Yogurt
- Whole Fat Plain Greek
- Whole Milk Vanilla Greek

Redwood Hill
- Plain

- Whole Fat Plain

Ronnybrook Farm
- Whole Fat Plain

Seven Stars
- Organic Whole Fat Plain

Shop Rite
- Whole Fat Plain
- Whole Plain Greek

- Whole Milk Vanilla

Stonyfield Organic
- Whole Strawberry
- Whole Fat Plain
- Whole Milk Banilla

Stop and Shop
- Greek Whole Fat Plain
- Whole Vanilla Greek

Taste of Inspirations
- Plain Greek
- Whole Milk Plain

- Whole Milk Plain
- Whole Milk Vanilla

- All Natural Dahi

- Whole Plain Bulgarian A2A2

Wallaby Organic
- Greek Whole Milk Plain
- Plain Whole Milk

- Organic Whole Plain Greek
- Whole Fat Plain
- Whole Fat Vanilla Greek

- Whole Fat Plain Greek
- Whole Plain Probiotic

Wholesome Pantry
- Whole Fat Plain
- Whole Vanilla
Lowfat/Nonfat Yogurt
32 oz containers

Avenue A
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Vanilla Greek

- Lowfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain

Best Choice
- Lowfat Original Strawberry
- Lowfat Original Vanilla
- Nonfat Original Plain
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Vanilla Greek

Best Yet
- Lowfat Plain
- Lowfat Vanilla
- Nonfat Plain
- Nonfat Vanilla Greek
- Nonfat Plain Greek

Bowl and Basket
- Lowfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Plain
- Nonfat Vanilla Greek

Brown Cow
- Lowfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain

Butterworks Farm
- Nonfat Plain

Byrne Hollow
- Lowfat Plain Greek

- 2% Lowfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain

- 2% Lowfat Plain Greek
- Complete 2% Lowfat Vanilla Greek
- Greek Nonfat Vanil la
- Nonfat ZeroSugar Vanilla
- Lowfat Greek Honey Vanilla
- Lowfat Madagascar Vanilla Cinnamon
- Nonfat Greek Blended Variety Yogurt
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Strawberry Greek
- Nonfat Zero Sugar Strawberry

Coburn Farms
- Lowfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Vanilla Greek

- Nonfat Plain

Cream O’ Land
- Lowfat Plain

- Lowfat Plain

- 1.5% Lowfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Plain

- Natural Dahi Lowfat Plain
- Natural Dahi Nonfat Plain

Essential Everyday
- Lowfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Plain
- Nonfat Strawberry Greek
- Nonfat Vanilla Greek

- Nonfat Plain Greek

Fit and Active
- Nonfat Plain Yogurt

Food Club
- Greek Nonfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain
- Plain Lowfat

Food Lion
- Nonfat Plain

- Lowfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Vanilla Greek
- Nonfat Plain

Fresh Made
- Lowfat Plain

- Lowfat Plain

Full Circle (Organic)
- Organic Nonfat Vanilla Greek
- Organic Nonfat Plain

- Indian Style Lowfat Plain
- Indian Style Nonfat Plain

Good and Gather
- Nonfat Plain Greek

Great Value
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Plain
- Organic Lowfat

Greek Gods
- Lowfat Plain Greek

Green Mountain Creamery
- Nonfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain Greek

- Greek Nonfat Plain
- Lowfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain
- Nonfat Strawberry Greek
- Nonfat Vanilla Greek

- Nonfat Plain
- Organic Nonfat Plain

Key Foods
- Lowfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain

- Nonfat Plain Greek

La Yogurt
- Lowfat Plain
- Lowfat Probiotic Vanilla
- Nonfat Plain

- Lowfat Plain

Lucerne Dairy
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Plain

Market Pantry
- Nonfat Plain

Mountain High
- Lowfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain

My Essentials
- Lowfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain

- Nonfat Plain
- Organic Lowfat Plain
- Organic Nonfat Plain

Nature’s Place
- Organic Nonfat Vanilla Greek

Nature’s Promise
- Organic Greek Nonfat Plain
- Organic Nonfat Plain
- Organic Lowfat Plain

- Nonfat Plain Greek

O Organics
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Vanilla Greek

- Nonfat Honey Sweet Plain Greek
- Maple Sweet Plain Greek
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Plain
- Nonfat Vanilla Bean Greek
- Nonfat Vanilla Greek
- Pro Lowfat Plain

Open Nature
- 2% Plain Greek
- Nonfat Plain Greek

Our Family
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Plain

- Lowfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Plain
- Nonfat Strawberry Greek
- Nonfat Vanilla Greek
- Reduced Fat Vanilla Greek

Powerful Yogurt
- Nonfat Plain Greek

Price Rite
- Lowfat Plain

- Lowfat Plain

Seven Stars
- Organic Lowfat Plain

Shop Rite
- Lowfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Plain

- Lowfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain

Simply Balanced
- Nonfat Plain Greek

Stonyfield Organic
- Creamy Lowfat Plain
- Lowfat Vanilla
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Plain
- Nonfat Vanilla

Stop and Shop
- Greek Nonfat Plain
- Lowfat Plain Greek
- Lowfat Plain
- Lowfat Vanilla Greek
- Non- fat Plain
- Nonfat Strawberry Greek
- Nonfat Vanilla Greek
- Reduced Fat Vanilla Greek

Super Associated
- Lowfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain

Taste of Inspirations
- Nonfat Plain

- Lowfat Plain

- Lowfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Plain
- Nonfat Vanilla Greek

Two Good
- Lowfat Plain Greek
- Lowfat Strawberry Greek
- Lowfat Vanilla Greek

Upstate Farms
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Vanilla Greek

Urban Meadow
- Nonfat Plain
- Plain Lowfat

- Nonfat Plain Greek

Wallaby Organic
- Lowfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Plain Greek

- Lowfat Plain
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Plain
- Nonfat Vanilla Greek
- Organic Lowfat Blended Plain Super Yogurt
- Organic Nonfat Plain Yogurt

- Greek Nonfat Plain
- Nonfat Vanilla Greek
- Probiotic Lowfat Plain
- Probiotic Non- fat Plain

White Mountain
- Bulgarian Nonfat Plain

Wholesome Pantry
- Lowfat Plain

- Nonfat Plain
Kosher Yogurt
32 oz containers

Gevina Farms
- Nonfat Plain Greek

J and J Kosher
- Nonfat Plain

- Low Fat Plain
- Nonfat Plain Greek
- Nonfat Strawberry
- Nonfat Vanilla Greek

- Lowfat Plain Greek
- Lowfat Strawberry Greek
- Lowfat Vanilla Greek
- Nonfat Plain Greek
WIC Approved
- 8, 10, 14, and 16 oz packages
- Approved Brands and Products:

- Extra Firm
- Firm
- Silken

Franklin Farms
- Extra Firm
- Firm
- Medium Firm
- Organic Extra Firm
- Organic Firm
- Organic Medium Firm
- Organic Pressed Firm
- Organic Silken
- Soft

Good and Gather
- Organic Extra Firm

- Organic Extra Firm

- Organic Extra Firm

House Foods
- Organic Firm
- Organic Medium Firm
- Organic Soft
- Premium Extra Firm
- Premium Firm
- Premium Medium Firm
- Premium Soft

Nature’s Promise
- Organic Extra Firm
- Organic Firm

O Organics
- Extra Firm
- Firm
- Silke
- Super Firm Sprouted

- Organic Cubed Super Firm
- Organic Extra Firm
- Organic Firm
- Organic Lite Firm
- Organic Silken
- Organic Super Firm
- Soft

San Sui
- Extra Firm
- Firm

Soy Boy
- Organic Firm

- Organic Firm

- Organic Extra Firm
- Organic Firm
Shopping Tip: Combine tofu packages to add up to the number of pounds (lbs) listed on your WIC Shopping List