Breakfast Cereal
WIC Approved
- 12 oz box or larger
- National/ Specialty Brands and Store Brands

Do Not Buy
- Organic
- Single serve packets
Approved Brands and Products (National/Specialty):
Whole grain cereal is indicated by a *

General Mills
- Cheerios* (Oat Crunch Berry
- Veggie Apple Strawberry
- Multi Grain
- Multi Grain Strawberry
- Vanilla Spice
- Veggie Blueberry Banana)
- Chex (Blueberry*, Cinnamon*, Corn, Rice, Vanilla, Wheat*)
- Fiber One Honey Clusters
- Kix* (Berry Berry, Honey)
- Sesame Street (123 Berry Numbers, Cinnamon Letters)
- Total Whole Grain*
- Wheaties*

- All Bran Complete Wheat Bran Flakes*
- Corn Flakes (Cinnamon, Honey)
- Crispix
- Frosted Mini Wheats* (Bite Size Pumpkin Spice, Blueberry Muffin, Strawberry, Blueberry, Cinnamon Roll, Filled*, Golden Honey, Little Bites*, Original*, Pumpkin Spice, Mini Bites Chocolate, Cocoa)
- Honey Almond Ancient Grains*
- Rice Krispies
- Special K * (Protein, Banana*, Multi Grain*, Original*, Protein Multi Grain)

- Bran Flakes*
- Corn Flakes*
- Crisp Rice
- Multi Grain Toasted Oats*
- Toasted Oats*
- Wheat Flakes*

Malt O Meal
- Frosted Mini Spooners* (Blueberry*, Strawberry*)

- Grape Nuts*
- Grape Nuts Flakes*
- Great Grains* (Banana Nut Crunch*, Crunchy Pecan*)
- Honey Bunches of Oats* (Honey Roasted*, Vanilla*, Vanilla Bunches*, with Almonds*, Cinnamon Bunches, Maple and Pecans)

- Life Cereal (Multigrain, Original Multigrain*, Strawberry Multigrain*, Vanilla Multigrain*)
- Oatmeal Squares* (Brown Sugar*, Cinnamon*, Honey Nut*)

Ralston Foods
- Corn Biscuits
- Corn Flakes
- Crisp Rice
- Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Oats and More Almonds Honey Oat Clusters
- Tasteeos
- Wheat Bran Flakes*

Sunbelt Bakery
- Sunbelt Simple Granola*

- Corn Flakes
- Crisp Rice
- Rice Squares
- Toasted Oats

Always Save
- Crisp Rice
- Frosted Shredded Wheat
- Toasted Oats

Avenue A
- Corn Flakes
- Toasted Oats*

Best Choice
- Corn Flakes
- Crisp Rice
- Crispy Hexagons
- Enriched Bran Flakes
- Frosted Shredded Wheat
- Happy Os
- Honey and Oat Clusters with Almonds
- Wheat Flakes

Best Yet
- Bite Size Shredded Wheat*
- Bran Flakes*
- Corn Flakes
- Crispy Rice
- Frosted Shredded Wheat* (Strawberry*)
- Honey Oats and Flakes*
- Honey Oats and Flakes with Almonds*
- Toasted Oats*

Bowl and Basket
- Bite Size Frosted Shredded Wheat
- Bran Flakes
- Corn Flakes
- Crispy Corn Squares
- Crispy Rice
- Crispy Rice Squares
- Toasted Oats

Clear Value
- Corn Flakes
- Toasted Oats*

Essential Everyday
- Corn Flakes
- Crispy Hexagons
- Crispy Rice
- Crunchy Corn Squares
- Crunchy Oat*
- Crunchy Oat Squares*
- Crunchy Rice Squares
- Crunchy Wheat Squares*
- Frosted Shredded Wheat* (Strawberry*)
- Honey Oats and Flakes* (Almond*)
- Nutty Nuggets
- Toasted Oats*
- Wheat and Bran Flakes*

Food Club
- Bite Size Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Bran Flakes*
- Corn Flakes
- Corn Squares
- Crisp Rice
- Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Honey and Oats* (With Almonds)
- Toasted Oats*
- Twin Grain Crisp
- Wheat Squares*

Food Lion
- Bite Size Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Bran Flakes*
- Corn Flakes
- Oats and More* (With Almonds*, With Honey*)
- Strawberry Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Tasteeos*
- Toasted Oats*
- Toasted Rice

- Corn Flakes
- Crunchy Oat Squares*
- Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Oats and More with Almonds
- Tasteeos
- Toasted Oats

Freedom’s Choice
- Bran Flakes
- Corn Flakes
- Crisp Rice
- Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Toasted Oats
- Crispy Honey Oats and Flakes with Almonds

Grain Berry
- Apple Cinnamon Toasted Oats
- Cinnamon Frosted Toasted Oats
- Honey Nut Toasted Oats
- Original Toasted Oats

Great Value
- Bite Size Shredded Wheat*
- Bran Flakes
- Corn Flakes
- Corn Squares
- Frosted Shredded Wheat* (Strawberry)
- Os Oats
- Rice Crisps
- Rice Squares
- Toasted Oats
- Toasted Whole Grain Oat Spins

- Bite Size Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Corn Flakes
- Crispy Hexagons
- Crispy Rice
- Easy Living Oat Squares
- Frosted Shredded Wheat* (Strawberry)
- Nutty Nuggets*
- Oats and More (With Almonds, With Honey)
- Tasteeos*
- Toasted Corn
- Toasted Rice
- Toasted Wheat Squares*
- Wheat Bran Flakes*

Hy Top
- Bite Size Frosted Shredded Wheat
- Corn Flakes*
- Toasted Oats*
- Bran Flakes*
- Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Honey Oats and Flakes with Almonds*

- Bite Size Frosted Shredded Wheat *
- Bite Size Shredded Wheat*
- Bran Flakes*
- Corn Flakes
- Corn Squares
- Crispy Corn and Rice
- Crispy Rice
- Honey Oats and Flakes (With Almonds)
- Original Toasted Oats*
- Rice Squares
- Toasted Oats*

- Organic Cocoa Clusters

Key Foods
- Bite Size Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Corn Flakes
- Toasted Oats*

- Bite Size Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Bite Size Shredded Wheat*
- Corn Flakes

- Corn Flakes
- Honey Oats and Flakes
- Toasted Oats*

Life Everyday
- Corn Flakes
- Toasted Oats

Market Pantry
- Corn Flakes
- Crunchy Oat Squares Cereal
- Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Toasted Oats*
- Toasted Rice Cereal

Morning Cheers
- 7 Grain Flakes
- Bran Flakes
- Bran Sticks
- Cocoa Flakes
- Corn Flakes Gluten Free
- Frosted Flakes
- Honey Nut Corn Flakes
- Toasted O’s

My Essentials
- Frosted Shredded Wheat*

Our Family
- Bite Size Shredded Wheat*
- Corn Flakes
- Crisp Rice
- Toasted Oats*

- Bite Size Shredded Wheat*
- Corn Flakes
- Crisp Rice
- Toasted Oats*

- Corn Flakes
- Crispy Rice
- Crispy Honey Oats and Flakes
- Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Honey Oats and Flakes with Almonds
- Toasted Corn Chips
- Toasted Oats
- Toasted Rice Crisps
- Wheat Bran Flakes*

Price Chopper
- Good Choice Oat Squares*
- Strawberry Frosted Shredded Wheat*

Price Rite
- Bran Flakes*
- Corn Flakes
- Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Honey Oat Clusters with Almonds
- Shredded Wheat*
- Toasted Oats*

Red and White
- Corn Flakes
- Toasted Oats*

Wheat Pockets*Safeway
- Wheat Pockets*

- Crispy Rice
- Honey Oats and Flakes
- Oats and More (With Almonds, With Honey)
- Rice Squares
- Toasted Oats*
- Bran Flakes*
- Wheat Squares*

Signature Kitchens
- Corn Flakes
- Oats and Almonds
- Oats and More with Honey
- Shredded Wheat Bites
- Toasted Oats*

Signature Select
- Bran Flakes*
- Corn Pockets
- Crispy Rice
- Frosted Shredded Wheat Bite Size*
- Nutty Nuggets*
- Rice Pockets
- Toasted Oats

Stop and Shop
- Bran Flakes*
- Corn Flakes
- Corn Squares
- Crispers
- Crispy Rice
- Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Honey Crunchin Oats (With Almonds)
- Nutty Nuggets*
- Oat Squares*
- Oats and O’s*
- Rice Squares
- Whole Grain Shredded Wheat*

That’s Smart
- Corn Flakes
- Crisp Rice
- Toasted Oats*

- Bite Size Frosted Shredded Wheat* (Strawberry)
- Bite Size Shredded Wheat*
- Corn Flakes
- Corn Squares
- Crisp Rice
- Crispy Rice
- Friendly Harvest Bran Flakes*
- Oat Squares*
- Oats and More (Honey Roasted, With Almonds)
- Rice Squares
- Strawberry Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Toasted Oats*
- Twin Grain Crisp*

Urban Meadow
- Corn Flakes
- Crispy Rice
- Toasted Oats*

Valu Time
- Bran Flakes*
- Corn Flakes
- Crisp Rice
- Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Toasted Oats*

- Bite Size Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Bite Size Shredded Wheat*
- Corn Flakes
- Corn Squares
- Crispy Rice
- FYFGA Oat Crisps*
- FYFGA Strawberry Shredded Wheat*
- Oat Crisps*
- Oats and Honey* (With Almonds*)
- Rice Squares
- Toasted Oats*

- Bite Size Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Corn Flakes
- Honey Oats and Flakes (With Almonds),
- Quality Bite Size Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Quality Bite Size Toasted Corn
- Quality Bite Size Toasted Rice
- Quality Crispy Corn and Rice
- Quality Crispy Rice
- Quality Multigrain Toasted Oats*
- Quality Strawberry Frosted Shredded Whet*
- Quality Strawberry Frosted Shredded Whet*
- Quality Toasted Oats*
- Quality Wheat Bran Flakes*

Western Beef
- Corn Flakes
- Toasted Oats*

White Rose
- Corn Flakes
- Frosted Shredded Wheat*
- Toasted Oats*
Hot Cereal
WIC Approved
- 9.8 oz box or larger
Approved Brands and Products:

Best Choice
- Original Instant Oatmeal

Best Yet
- Original Instant Oatmeal Packs

Bowl and Basket
- Original Instant Oatmeal

Cream of Rice
- Hot Cereal
- Instant Packs

Cream of Wheat
- 1 Minute Cereal
- 2.5 Minute Cereal
- Instant Packs
- Instant Whole Grain
- Whole Grain 2.5 Minute Cereal

Essential Everyday
- Creamy Wheat
- Instant Grits Packs
- Instant Oatmeal Packets

Food Club
- Instant Oatmeal Packets

Great Value
- Regular Instant Oatmeal Packets

- Regular Instant Oatmeal Packs

- 100% Natural Old Fashioned Oatmeal
- 100% Natural Whole Grain Quick Oats
- Original Instant Oatmeal Packs

Malt O Meal
- Farina Original Hot Wheat Cereal
- Original Hot Wheat Cereal

- Instant Maple Oatmeal
- Maple Oatmeal with Quinoa
- Vermont Style Maple Oatmeal

My Essentials
- Regular Instant Oatmeal Packs

- Original Instant Oatmeal

- Instant Regular Oatmeal Packs

Price Rite
- Regular Instant Oatmeal Packs

Price Rite
- Regular Instant Oatmeal Packs

- Avena Instantanea Instant Oatmeal
- Instant Oats with Iron
- Original Instant Grits
- Original Instant Oatmeal Packs

Ralston Foods
- Regular Instant Oatmeal

Shop Rite
- Original Instant Oatmeal Packs

- Original Instant Oatmeal Packs

Signature Select
- Original Instant Oatmeal Packs

Stop and Shop
- Instant Oatmeal Packs

- Original Instant Oatmeal

Urban Meadow
- Regular Instant Oatmeal

- Quality Original Instant Oatmeal